Thursday, August 12, 2010

And away we go...

This is my first shot at blogging and I have to amit that I'm not entirely sure of what I'm going to do with this...but I've always loved writing and occasionally have an entertaining tale to here we go...blogging...take one.

A couple of Sundays ago, I was just having one of those days...tired, a little short on patience, ears blocked (a whole other blog post there)...anyway. Sam was in rare form that day...seemingly on a mission to push every possible button that I have...and then topping off our day of running around and whatnot, was an almost full strawberry milkshake, spilled all over the back of the car. So we get home and I get right onto clean up duty...Honda Element, I love you...and your rubber floors. I'm hosing down the mats in the driveway and ok...I'll cop to crying a little...tension release and all. Sammy comes outside, eager to offer his help...which I politely decline so instead he sits down in the driveway with two of his monster trucks that are tied together with a string. The red truck then proceeded to pull the green one around...crabbing at it over this and that and eventually I overhear the names that he's given his trucks. The green truck being pulled and bossed around is called "Connor" and the red truck is..."Da Grumpy Mudder." That's it kiddo...turn the screws on your ol' mom. Jeez. And while this little passive aggressive driveway role playing incident did, at the time, severely up the level of mom guilt I was already feeling for being off my game all day also made me chuckle. "I can't wait to tell everyone this one!" was all that I could think to myself. And thus was born this blog title. Thank you Skeeter...and Regina for suggesting it.

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