Sunday, February 12, 2012

A quickie recap of the week...

It has been a really good week...super busy, but productive and encouraging. Everything is feeling pretty good at the moment and the positive flow seems to be outweighing the stress of everyday life as we know it. All is well...lots to be glad about. Below...a handful of things that make me feel happy right now...

A little Saturday adventure with the Skeeter.

The kid's favorite...a big fat soft pretzel.

And I'll take mine with mustard please.

A fun little trip to Build A Bear.

Sammy will take one soft and squishy bear please, Build A Bear lady.

Making a wish on his new buddy's heart.

Tubby time for Sam's new furry friend.

A little brushing.

A new outfit and Scout the bear is ready to come home with us.
This place is brilliant...I would have loved this as a kid. Sammy is very much a boy after my own heart...he loves his stuffed animals and sleeps surrounded by a furry little entourage most nights.

A little lunch...grilled cheese...

...followed by a lovely heart cookie that I am fairly certain contained one whole stick of butter. It rocked...I had one too.

This can of shaving cream...I paid $1.00 for it and I've been using it since before Christmas. I love a good dollar store find.

Shamrock shake season has arrived early this year. I'll say no more.

Hands of my favorite shows on tv right now. I rarely have time to watch anything, but this is one that I never miss. M and I watch together every Tuesday. It just makes me really happy.

Sam tells me that his 100th day of school glasses will help make me really smart. I think the bean just might be right about that!

Sammy's reaction to how his bed looks after I make it up and arrange his buddies just so, makes me feel like a million bucks. It's like I've given him the best gift ever. I've said it's the little things

This week's academic adventure. I seem to be hitting my stride in school...I killed it with a 100 on a quiz and 94 on a three chapter test last week. I can't even express how good that feels. So bring on the bones and skeletal tissues I say! I'm ready.
Happy weekend!


  1. Things about this post that make me happy:
    1. Build-a-Bear...I heard about this for the first time a few months ago and we built one with Jack and Isla while visiting Edmonton for Jack's 5th birthday. The whole kissing the heart and making a wish? Made me damn near cry right in the store.
    2. McDonald's ANYTHING. May need to run out for a fix.
    3. The picture of you and Sam with the 100 days of school look radiantly beautiful and happy. Frame that one, Jenny V.

  2. lone blog fan...I love your comments. If you didn't live way the hell up there in Canada, I'd treat you to a shamrock shake! Thanks for stopping by, lady! Xo


All comments are very welcome indeed.